But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. - Luke 12:2 (NASB)
I was in situation with a person and no matter what I did, the relationship would not progress. I sought the Lord, I prayed for them, me, us, and sought wise counsel.
As sure as the word of God states, the truth slowly and at times rapidly came forth in ways that only the Lord could have arranged. There was unconfessed sin in the life of the other person and with that, relationships cannot move forward the way our Lord designed.
Hidden sin can occur in any of us as it did with King David. He was miserable when he did not confess what he had done. In other circumstances, we may not be aware we are sinning until it is pointed out to us. There will be consequences, but the Lord wants us to be reconciled with Him and with that comes peace and experiencing His forgiveness.
I have often wondered how different things would have been if the person in my life would have confessed and allowed the Lord to be Lord in their life and our relationship.
Relevant reading: Psalm 51; Luke 12:3-7; Psalm 85:11; 1 John 1:9; James 5:15
Is there something you need to confess to the Lord? To others? Will you pray and ask the Lord to show you the truth? His grace and forgiveness is available for all.
This devotion by author, Terrie Miles, is exclusively and solely shared with permission to New Beginnings Church. Any unauthorized printed reproduction, sharing or use of this material is prohibited.
