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Get your New Beginnings Apparel right here on our online store. We have polos, t-shirts, long-sleeves, hoodies, hats, etc.
Grab some gear to represent New Beginnings and to make a difference.
"Make a Difference Daily" is something you will hear us say, and something we put on our apparel.
We are called to live out our lives with Jesus, and we believe that we all can make a difference daily. We strive to be a community that lives this out and provides ways for us to make a difference.
"2C517" is short for 2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
This is our theme verse for our church and something we want to live into, the fact that we are new creations because of Jesus.