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Building on the Promise

Hebrews 10:23 (NLT)
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
Building on the Promise is our Capital Campaign for our Ministry Center. Construction for the Ministry Center was completed February of 2020, and we are raising the funds to finish this building. This is a campaign that began in December, 2019.
Where we've been: The Promise Campaign was a campaign we did years ago to raise money to develop our land, and build our garage. We exceeded our goal in this 3 year campaign (2013-2015) raising over $726,000. Now we are Building on that Promise!
Where we're going: Our Building on the Promise campaign is about more than just constructing a building, it is about people. It is about us as God's people reaching out to share God's love. It is about providing a place for people to belong, and be accepted. God has been at work in our church, and has led us to our property, so our prayer through this all, is not just that funds are raised, but that lives are changed and that the steps of faith we take now have a lasting impact.
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