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Women's Bible Study & Prayer Group

Where: New Beginnings UMC


When: Every Thursday 


Time: 9:30 a.m.


For more information please contact: Juddean Kauble


Contact Number: 740-201-5753



A bible study specifically for women of all ages to come and grow spiritually through book studies and bible studies along with fellowship and prayer. 

Journey Men's Bible Study & Breakfast

Where: Bob Evans on 23/Delaware


When: Every Friday


Time: 6:15 a.m.


For more information please contact: Pastor Dave Carter or Pastor Jake King


Contact Number: 740-513-9982 or 740-963-3501



A bible study specifically for men of all ages to come and enjoy fellowship around the breakfast table with open dialog about a bible passage.

Adult Bible Study

Where: New Beginnings UMC Room #9


When: Every Monday


Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


For more information please contact: Pastor Dave Carter


Contact Number: 740-513-9982


*Child Care available ($2.00 per child)


A thematic bible study based on particular books of the bible or biblical principals intended to foster open dialog and questions. Bring notebook, pencil/pen and bible. 

Men's Bible Study

Where: Pastor Dave's Home in Delaware


When:Every other Sunday


Time: 6:30 p.m. 


For more information please contact: Pastor Dave Carter


Contact Number: 740-513-9982


A bible study based on various topics intended to encourage and equip men of all ages. 

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