You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah - Psalm 32:7 (NASB)
When I was younger and needed to retreat from the cares of the world I would go to this beautiful “hiding place” along the water and trees to simply listen to nature and stay quiet. As far as I knew, no one knew of my little hide away. It was like this place was fashioned just for me. As I got older and became a mother of a special needs daughter, I found that the “hiding place” I was accustomed to wasn’t found in a hospital room, or in an ambulance, or a doctor’s office, or in parent teacher meetings. It was found through the trouble in which I was being watched over, kept, and surrounded by Jesus.
I recall this scripture resonating in my mind like a song within a hospital room while watching over my then 12-year-old daughter who had been admitted on an emergency basis and was recovering from removal of part of her jaw and five teeth. What was to be a two month stay changed into a two week stay, with no radiation or chemotherapy, no feeding tube, no tracheotomy as expected.
Words cannot express the depth and sweetness one can experience hiding in the Lord. The hardships come and we are still dealing with the effects of the surgery daily. I don’t have to drive to get to my “hiding place” like I used to, I can take a deep breath and call upon the Lord to settle me into His presence.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You provide a hiding place in Your presence and that You are the quiet place during the troubles that come in this world. May we as Your people invite You into every aspect of our lives.
This devotion by author, Terrie Miles, is exclusively and solely shared with permission to New Beginnings Church. Any unauthorized printed reproduction, sharing or use of this material is prohibited.
