Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually. - Psalm 105:4 (NASB)
Some may recall the saying “flare prayers” which is used as spontaneous prayers throughout the day while going about our business simultaneously talking to the Lord. There are “flare prayer” times when I say “Help me, Jesus” because I need His strength or guidance at that moment.
Like right now, I’m trying to quiet my mind and transition to a still place before the Lord while the dog is staring at me to go out after just coming in from the “out” (I don’t even think he blinks) and the cat is noisily licking herself beside me and that’s all I hear.
Some days it seems I need strength just to seek Him because I can’t think, there is too much going on in my head or surroundings that God must give me the ability to simmer down enough to ask and seek Him at that moment or throughout the day.
God wants us to come to Him, we will not get on His nerves, He doesn’t have to go through all these motions to hear us. We can go to Him and have fellowship with Him in our quiet times; while waking up in the morning; we can seek Him in our activities during the day and see where He is working; He can give us strength for the moment or for the day, and it’s okay to ask.
The strength of God may not feel like a whooshing wind blowing, it may be whisper from His Holy Spirit that reminds us to ask and seek Him, then we become moved to peace, to joy, to endure longsuffering, or a right response to a difficult situation by His strength holding us back from ourselves.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for inviting us to continually seek You and Your strength as You guide and teach us to walk worthy of the calling You have given us. (Ephesians 4:1)
This devotion by author, Terrie Miles, is exclusively and solely shared with permission to New Beginnings Church. Any unauthorized printed reproduction, sharing or use of this material is prohibited.
