But certainly, God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer nor His lovingkindness from me. - Psalm 66:20 (NASB)
We all have a story to tell. We may come from similar backgrounds, or nothing similar at all, but each one of us has an experience that can be shared to help another in their life, we can share what the Lord did through us or others to increase our faith in Him, and hopefully the faith of the hearer.
I have a story in mind that a neighbor shared with me. This happened several years ago when I was going through an extremely difficult time. I had been fervently praying and seeking God’s wisdom one particular evening. The next day, my neighbor made a point to come to my home to let me know they had looked over at my home that evening and there was a glow over my home, and only my home, a glow unlike anything they had ever seen, and they also told me the time they noticed the glow, which happened to be when I was in prayer. The first words from my mouth were, ‘I was praying last night at that time, that must be what it was - It was God.’ We were both amazed.
My neighbor was not a professing believer in the Lord, and I am still amazed at how the Lord showed Himself to my neighbor and how today He is still showing me that praying really matters. God shows up. Sometimes our outcome doesn’t end up like we anticipated but God brings us through to His plan for us, and others.
What is your story?
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing up a portion of my past to share You. Somehow, I wish I would have said more to my neighbor, but You already knew how I would respond - in amazement. May You show others how important their story is as they identify You in their midst.
This devotion by author, Terrie Miles, is exclusively and solely shared with permission to New Beginnings Church. Any unauthorized printed or electronic reproduction, sharing or use of this material is prohibited.
